Free Artist Registration

Free registration !

Fabled Gallery offers the possibility of exhibiting and selling for free 3 works of art on our website

It is always difficult for an artist to find exhibition galleries.

Our virtual gallery offers the possibility for artists to exhibit and sell 3 works of their choice. Each artistic work will also be showcased on our social networks and in virtual galleries.

The price for this service is free. However, we will withhold a 30% commission on each sale made on our site. When registering, do not forget to add this commission to the sale price as well as the delivery costs. Each artist will have to take care of the shipping of their works.

To be a free artist member of the Fabled Gallery, you must meet the following conditions:

Before registering, please go through the form below and prepare all the elements of your application.

You must complete the 5 pages of the form before you can submit your file.

Important: Please prepare your images to avoid exceeding 10 MB if possible. You can easily compress your images on this site:

Fabled Gallery Header 7

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